Give to Victoria
    Give to Victoria

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    $  Provides funds for the area of greatest need at Victoria College.
    $  To support Christian, Muslim and Buddhist Studies programs.
    $  Supports area of greatest need at Emmanuel College.
    $  Support the expansion of this unique, four-week residency program in advanced research for undergraduate students.
    $  Funding for internships, e.g. Vic One and Material Culture and research, e.g. Northrop Frye Centre and Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies
    $  Award to be conferred upon a BIPOC student who demonstrates involvement & service to others through positive & significant contributions to student life and/or the larger community.
    Selected Designations (edit)

    Thank you for your support. Your generosity joins with others to keep Vic strong.

    All transactions are processed in Canadian (CAD) dollars. Refunds on donations will be issued if requested, the corresponding charitable receipt will be voided, and the Canada Revenue Agency will be informed of the reversal.
    Charitable Business Number: 108173436RR0001

    150 Charles Street West · Toronto ON M5S 1K7
    Tel: 416-585-4500 · 1-888-262-9775 · Fax: 416-585-4594 · E-mail: