Giving to Laurier - Parents Campaign
Current: Giving to Laurier - Parents Campaign » Billing » Review » Finish

Your support helps
to enrich the lives of current and future Laurier students!


Your gift gives Laurier students the confidence and boost they need to pursue their academic goals and dreams. If you need assistance in completing your online gift or want to set up a pledge that is not available online, please contact Sabrina Yorke by email at


Designations Required Field

Donor Information

*For spouses, please enter only one name. Spouses can claim each other's donations under CRA.
Primary Email: Required Field

By indicating you would like to be anonymous, you are confirming your intention not to be recognized publicly for any of your support for Laurier. You will still receive communications as a donor with updates from Laurier. If you have any questions, contact us at

Double or triple your gift today 🔽
Many companies sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions made by their employees. To find out if you work for a matching gift company, please search the employer's name below. More information will be provided after your donation is completed.
​By using this embedded matching gifts search tool, data points from your gift transaction will be shared with Double the Donation so that you are assisted with getting an employer match.
Utilizing a third party payment service such as PayPal is at the discretion and risk of the donor. For more information about what information PayPal collects and shares, please consult PayPal’s terms of service and privacy policy.