

Thank you for choosing to make a gift to Laurier. Your support helps to enrich the lives of current and future Laurier students! If you need assistance in completing your online gift or want to set up a pledge that is not available online, please email us at annualgiving@wlu.ca.

If you are a Laurier staff or faculty member who wishes togive via payroll, please click here.

To make a donation via e-Transfer, please complete this form.

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Name Amount Percentage
Sonny Kumpf Memorial Hockey Bursary
Total: $0.00 0%

Donor Information

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Please note: if a HAWKstarter project does not reach goal and is unable to proceed without the full funding, the funds will be directed to a similar initiative in keeping with the spirit and intent of the original project, at the discretion of Advancement & External Relations. All charitable contributions are non-refundable.
Double or triple your gift with employer gift matching
Many companies sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions made by their employees. To find out if you work for a matching gift company, please search the employer's name below. More information will be provided after your donation is completed.
​By using this embedded matching gifts search tool, data points from your gift transaction will be shared with Double the Donation so that you are assisted with getting an employer match.

Gifts received by the university will be used for the purpose stated above, unless there is an unforeseen change in circumstances which makes it difficult to fulfil that purpose. In such an event, the Governors of Wilfrid Laurier University may amend the purpose in such a manner as they deem fit, considering the general intent and spirit of the original gifts.  

The University collects personal information under the authority of the Wilfrid Laurier University Act. Personal information collected by any part of the University may be used or disclosed by other units in order to execute the functions of the University and to administer the relationship between the University and its students, alumni, employees, clients, suppliers, partners and others.  

Further information about how your personal information is collected, used and disclosed can be found in Laurier’s Notice of Collection, Use, and Disclosure of Personal Information.

Utilizing a third-party payment service such as PayPal is at the discretion and risk of the donor. For more information about what information PayPal collects and shares, please consult PayPal’s terms of service and privacy policy.